My Therapy:

Monday, August 17, 2009

Meditation Room

I don't know much about the founder of this site, but here's a blurb from the "Learning to Relax" tab (good shop with cd's and a nice section with links):

"My preference would be to call meditation relaxation – conscious relaxation, chosen relaxation. These are words that are more universally understood, more comfortable. Constantly working toward the goal of discovering my own ability to reach a state of serenity, I have learned to meditate."

Monday, August 10, 2009

Eckhart Tolle Channel

Well, this is the first link that isn't a "pure" guided meditation, but these videos are so transformative, and filled with high-energy, that they serve as a great meditation tool:

Google/ Meditation Videos

Thousands of meditations from a Google search on "meditation" on the link above (on Google, the videos can be sorted by duration longer than 20 minutes!); many of the Google videos are from and I've had an ongoing collection of favorites on my youtube page:

Monday, August 3, 2009

Fragrant Heart Transformative Meditation

This is a great site with a large selection of guided meditations by the founder of Fragrant Heart - Elisabeth Blaikie - and there are often new meditations as well!

As Ram Dass so clearly writes:

"Remember, we are all affecting the world every moment, whether we mean to or not. Our actions and states of mind matter, because we're so deeply interconnected with one another. Working on our own consciousness is the most important thing that we are doing at any moment, and being love is the supreme creative act."

"The Vision of
Fragrant Heart is family run, with the expertise in web site creation of my daughters, Maggie and Anna, and sons-in-law, Michael and Han. I am very grateful to both of my daughters who have always encouraged me to teach from my experience and to write; to put meditation in a perspective that reaches out to others in ways that people can learn to meditate simply and effectively. By doing so each person, no matter what state their life is in right now, can find the doorway that opens for them to greater inner peace and love. World peace, global consciousness starts with each one of us.

Now living in my little home by the beach, surrounded by my loved ones, I am writing, crafting, and spending time in nature. It has been a deeply inward and immensely joyful time to be able to write these meditations for you.
I wish each and every one of you the deepest peace and the most abiding love,

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Meditation Oasis

Thirty one meditations, as well as a link to a meditation on YouTube:

"Meditation Oasis and Mary & Richard Maddux
The inspiration to create this website came from the overwhelmingly positive response to our Meditation Oasis podcast. As we began to see how easily people were beginning to meditate and the positive impact it was having in their lives, we looked for more ways to support their experience with meditation. We plan to continue to expand the content of this website and develop programs to support people in learning and practicing meditation."

11th Step Meditation

Meditation sample:

It's worth pointing out that the site-map has amazing meditation info, history and recources (including videos)! xoxo, Erik:

"About SpiritStep
Emotional Stability - Serenity - Improved Health - Quality Sobriety
Take the 1st Step Towards Eleventh Step Meditation

The First Step of Alcoholics Anonymous states: "Admitted we were powerless over alcohol, and that our lives had become unmanageable." The Eleventh Step of Alcoholics Anonymous states: "Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out."

In learning meditation, the first SpiritStep is to "Admit that we are powerless over our thoughts and emotions and that they are unmanageable." How can we overcome this?

The SpiritStep objective is to develop an understanding of the 11th step from Alcoholics Anonymous, learn to apply it, from the very 1st step, and to teach easy and understandable methods of meditation as a tool for recovery and overcoming any life situation.

Relax, observe and let go of unmanageable thoughts, emotions, and physical habits."