Wonderful site. There's an option to join for about 6 bucks per month and download other meditations; these approximately 3-minute tracks are fast, slow, soothing and nice ;o)There's even live meditation at some point (with a count-down clock until the next one)!
"Barefoot Doctor enjoyed a mystically oriented childhood, studied Aikido, energy healing and meditation at age 11, studied yoga, Tai Chi in his late teens, the human psyche and how to approach it with RD Laing in his early 20s, shamanism living with the Native Americans for four years in New Mexico and acupuncture and Taoism in his mid- to late -twenties, returned to London in ’83, ran a busy acupuncture healing practice till 2000, while also doing experimental performance events, workshops, seminars and talks, making healing music and teaching Tai Chi and meditation. In 2000 he went full time into book-writing, media and running this site, which has been in existence since 1998 as an informal online Taoism training school and virtual clinic (through email coaching). He spends his time writing, running the site, making music, doing workshops, seminars, talks and musical events around the world and helping people. He is now also running School For Warriors an 8-week online course in the principles of personal power.His 13th book, THE MAN WHO DROVE WITH HIS EYES CLOSED - AND MY OTHER ASTONISHING TEACHERS AND GURUS is now out, published by Hay House in the UK and in the US in January 2010 also with Hay House, under the title, SUPERCHARGED TAOIST."
Recent Sunday Times piece about it, jump to http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/health/article6810425.ece