This is a first for this site; no video and no sound. Like Eckhart Tolle's videos, this poetry is full of healing energy, and succeeds at pointing to what cannot be named, learned, taught, tamed...
"Poetry is the language vehicle of spirituality. Because spirituality is of a different plane of being from the physical and mental, only metaphor can attempt to express the essence of spirituality. One of the foremost poet's of the spiritual is the great yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda. And one of his most beloved volumes of poems/prayers is Whispers from Eternity.
A "Prayer for a United World" opens Metaphysical Meditations, including the following lines:
May the heads of all countries and races be guided to understand that men of nations are physically and spiritually one . . . . Let us pray in our hearts for a League of Souls and a United World.
Following this prayer for a united world, the foreword tells us that:
"Meditation is the science of God-realization. It is the most practical science in the world. Most people would want to meditate if they understood its value and experienced it beneficial effects."
The great yogi goes on to tell us the purpose of meditation is the attainment of the awareness of God and the soul's eternal oneness with God. Because meditation uses a high form of concentration, the chanting or repeating of certain affirmations in the form of songs and poems is very beneficial."
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