My Therapy:

Monday, December 14, 2015

Free Gifts from!

Get 3 amazing free gifts, including 6 guided meditation practices and nine "...inspirational tracks for healing, relaxation, and releasing stress."

Sunday, December 13, 2015

 Earth Prayer

This post does not have a link to meditations per se, but Snatam Kaur's songs, prayers, and meditations can be found on Spotify and likely other free music sites. There is a free prayer on the link above and this is a link to the beautiful Irish Prayer: Long Time Sun

Snatam Kaur is an American Kirtan singer and peace activist raised in the Kundalini Yoga tradition. She has taught and shared Naad Yoga, Kundalini Yoga & Meditation and Kirtan through her recorded CDs, concerts, and workshops for the past fifteen years. For over thirty years, she studied with and grew up at the feet of her spiritual teacher, Yogi Bhajan, while he was in his physical form. At the core of this practice is an essential experience of peace which has made it accessible to people of all walks of life to receive its healing effects.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Davidji from the Sweet Spot of the Universe!

Davidji is a meditation teacher from the Chopra Center that also has a show on Hay House Radio and meditations on grokker .com...

"40 days of guidance on meditation, Vedanta, Ayurveda, emotional intelligence, abundance consciousness, non-violent communication, mind body nourishment, higher states of consciousness, doshas, intention setting, emotional release techniques, conscious choice-making, yoga philosophy & living with grace in the real world, and more. These sessions include both guided and silent meditations as well as pranayam, visualizations, and practical next steps to integrate into your daily life."

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Rebecca Campbell - Turn Your Light On Meditation

Sign up for Rebecca Campbell's free meditation here; you'll only have to confirm subscription to her newsletter, and then you'll receive a 13 minute meditation:

Campbell calls her technique Sourcing and includes being in "total receiving mode": "My chosen spiritual practice was and is a form of  meditation called 'Sourcing' which was first introduced to me by my teacher Sonia Choquette. From the very first moment I Sourced, I had the most amazing feeling of coming home. It was so familiar."